What are the advantages of wood-look tile flooring over real floorboards?
1. You get the look of hardwood flooring without the hassle of maintaining it.
An interior with wood floors exudes luxury and warmth. Natural timber flooring requires ongoing maintenance. It dents, scratches easier and needs staining over time. Due to advances in tile manufacturing, more people are choosing timber look porcelain tiles as an eco-friendly, healthy, and hard-wearing flooring alternative.
2. They’re economical
Apart from the initial installation investment, maintaining tiles should not be a cost. No polishing is required. It does not require lacquering. There is no sealing required. If compared to the maintenance of floorboards over time, wood floor tiles are unmatched.
3. They’re environmentally friendly
In light of the massive amount of trees cut down to make timber flooring and constructing homes, most timber look tiles are a welcome alternative. Wood-look tiles are not produced in any way that harms trees, so you can walk on them guilt-free.
4. Allergy-free
Timber tiles are a safe option for people with asthma and breathing difficulties, because they don't harbour dust mites, unlike carpets and other floorings. Moreover, they require no sealants, polishes, or lacquers to be installed. Thus, they release no toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.
5. They are heatproof, waterproof, and durable
They’re perfect for bathrooms, kitchens, pool areas, and alfresco areas because they won’t wear, buckle, or expand. Additionally, they’re great for protecting the home’s open fireplaces and gas fireplaces from heat. Tiles that look like timber are also exceptionally hard-wearing. Their finish will not scuff or wear over time, like timber boards.
6. They contribute to the natural heating of your house
During the day, tiled floors naturally store heat released at night. Natural energy transfer in the home reduces the need for manufactured heating and the burning of fossil fuels.